After the trip he became so excited and assorted to adopt a white tiger named Namrata which is one and a half year old. This primarily means providing expenses on food for the animal. He wrote a cheque amounting 77,000 which would cover towards the feeding for six months.
Karthi said protecting tigers would help entire eco system. He also added that, “awareness has to be created in need to protect the animals and I would like to visit the various wildlife sanctuaries during my free time.”
S.Yuvaraj, who is an additional director, reported that,” till now 17 persons including Karthi have adopted animals in the zoo”.
TamilNadu Tourism Development Corporation has adopted three white cubs by offering Rs3.8lakh.Velammal School has also adopted a tiger and an Indian Gaur by paying Rs3.5lakh.
Tags:Karthi,actor Karthi,Karthi Namrata, Karthi Adopted White Tiger Namrata,White Tiger Namrata,siruthai tamil movie,photos, White Tiger Namrata Diya Surya Jothika's Daughter,White Tiger Namrata,Karthi latest news
Hi karthi
i know you dont have time to reply. My only request is you need to take care of yourself and your family. Thats is enough for me
Great Karthi
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